Water Projects

Safe, sustainable water is an essential part of life on Earth. 

We want to live in a world where water and sanitation facilities are available for all

Water Projects

Safe, sustainable water is an essential part of life on Earth. We want to live in a world where water and sanitation facilities are available for all.

Water Tanks

We support the construction of rainwater harvesting tanks for schools and communities groups.

Our trained Sustainable Construction team build the tanks using 'Interlocking Stabilised Soil Bricks (ISSBs), made from compressed earth. .

10,000-litre tanks capture rainwater from the roof and can support entire schools or villages for 20 years

The schoolchildren help to create the ISSB, learning an important lesson about plastic pollution

Raising awareness about plastic waste - only 5% is recycled in Uganda and the rest is typically burnt.

Inadequate sanitation facilities mean that water-bourne diseases are highly prevalent.

Pit latines in Ugandan schools are often dilapidated and shared among thousands of students, with no segregation for boys and girls.

Diarrhoea is a leading cause of death among young children and diseases such as typhoid negatively affect education outcomes.

Pit Latrines

We support the construction of high quality Ventilated Improved Pit latrine.

Our trained Sustainable Construction team build the tanks using 'Interlocking Stabilised Soil Bricks (ISSBs), made from compressed earth.

We provide essential sanitation facilities for up to 1,000 school children, including access for people with disabilities

Water Filters

We provide sustainable water filters for households, schools and community centres.

We locally source the 20, 30 and 60 litre ceramic filters from our partners Spouts of Water - supporting the Ugandan labour market.
Soil Bricks (ISSBs), made from compressed earth. .

Over half of Ugandans drink untreated water

Our filters last 2-3 years with little maintenance

And remove 99.9% of harmful bacteria

Water Filters

We support provide water filters for households, schools and community centres.

We locally source the 20, 30 and 60 litre ceramic filters from our partners Spouts of Water - supporting the Ugandan labour market.

Over half of Ugandans drink untreated water

Our filters last 2-3 years with little maintenance

And remove 99.9% of harmful bacteria

Help us eradicate water inequality